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Pitch Up & Play - GIRLS RUGBY @ Sandbach - we need your help! 31st Jan 25 6pm onwards

Pitch Up & Play - GIRLS RUGBY @ Sandbach - we need your help! 31st Jan 25 6pm onwards

Robert Mayor18 Jan - 09:17

We are delighted to be hosting our first Girls Pitch Up and Play event for U12/14/16s ( CLICK FOR INFO)

6pm onwards
We are delighted to be able to announce we will be hosting our first (for many years!) a Girls Pitch Up and Play event for U12/14/16s and we need your HELP?!

Are you able to come along and help coach/ref/make the event a success? You maybe a current age group coach/manager across the M&J or simply feel like you can come along and help out - you maybe a SNR player and keen to try your hand at coaching or may havea daughter involved in the event ? Our usual leads for the W&G; Ros, Emma and Hannah will be around but are leading the overall evening and we need ideally 2 volunteers per age group alongside Ros, Emma and Hannah.

We are aware this clashes with both Sandbach School Rugby Presentation evening and also the U15 Comedy Night but are still very hopeful we have enough experience in the club to find 6 volunteers !

Interested ? Get in touch ........

Ros Wiggins -07764 883474 - sandbachwomensrugby@gmail.com
Andrew Bird - 07966279168 - AGBird9@hotmail.com

Further reading