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Sandbach RUFC Festival of Beer

Sandbach RUFC Festival of Beer

Peter Davenport30 Jan - 12:32

24th, 25th & 26th May (Bank holiday weekend!)

Sandbach RUFC Festival of Beer
24th, 25th & 26th May (Bank holiday weekend!)

Advance tickets £5
On The Day tickets £6
Tickets will be available via TicketTailor in due course.
Each ticket admits one adult for one day.

Anyone purchasing a ticket for Saturday 24th can return on Sunday 25th for half price entry (on production of a valid ticket or wristband for Saturday 24th)

Club Members will be given a free beer token on production of a valid ticket and membership card (does not apply to "second day" entry if attending both Saturday and Sunday).

Monday May 26th is reserved entirely for club volunteers! This will mean free entry with very special prices on any beer that's left - free basically! This is to acknowledge all the hard work and dedication of the volunteer workforce, without which the club would not function. So if you're an age group coach, manager, help run the gate on matchdays, provide any 'free' time to help run the club this day is for YOU in recognition of your dedication.

All sounds like an event not to be missed - any questions or specific enquiries please contact event lead; Dale Edmunds
e: beerfestival@sandbachrufc.co.uk
m: 07850 223274

Further reading